
Hello Friends

Disclaimer :
We are not connected to illegal video streaming websites such as Onlinemovies, Fmovies, Putlocker. Also, we do not host any videos on Filmin.info.

Our website works legally as we only share links from other websites such as dcnm.ir.

We do not want to host copyright protected content. We only share the link to stream or download from other legal websites.

If you believe that we have mistakenly shared you copyright protected content, please email us.

DMCA (at) FilMin (Dot) iNFo

We are an Iranian website. Due to sanctions and other reasons, Iranians cannot purchase videos from the original publishers. Therefore, it is not possible for anyone to sell their video content in


We assure you that your right to sell your content is not taken away.

We strive to be your official publisher of your content in Iran in the future.